Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm going home!!!

"Anda boleh balik emasa cuti semester nanti. dan siapkan deraf semasa semester 2. TQ.

-Prof Amran-"

yahooooo i got the green light from my supervisor!!!!!! but i'll be going back a little bit late. will try to finish up my project 2 and submit it before i go back. Eventhou i get a nasihat yang tidak membantu from my supervisor

"tak pernah pelajar habis deraf projek 2 dalam semester 1."

Anyway, I"M GOING HOME!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

awesome!!! when will you be going back home?? date and time??!! ~nt~

SHZ said...

hahaha... akhirnya ko balik...kakakak

ken&&Q said...

date and time not sure yet. will let u all know la.

Reiki said...

Amazing this one..every one likes be home always..nice the topic..good to share here..thanks for sharing here with us..

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